Tuesday 6 August 2019

Over at the Middleton; Gala and Steampunk Weekend

We've been away from posting for a bit whilst we crack on with some work, and also holidays.  Tonight on the blog, a look at some more railway photography over at the Middleton Railway in Leeds at the start of the summer.

We were there both for their summer Gala, and also the Steampunk Market, both trips featuring beautiful weather.

The little-used Balm Road branch was in action again for the Gala.

I rather like photographing trains on this stretch; quite a unique atmosphere for a preserved line, weaving through the woods on unfenced track.

Also a surprisingly rural atmosphere for a line in suburban/industrial Leeds.

All in all a couple of nice days out on the line, with picnics in the park each time.  Lots of variety with the trains at the Gala, and the Steampunk Market was as pleasantly eccentric as ever.

And a published shot in the current Steam Railway.