Monday 24 August 2020

The Staycation Express

Trains were starting to run again back in the tail-end of July, and as a railway photographer who's barely picked up a camera for 4 months, I was determined to get some shots of the heritage diesels operating on the Skipton-Appleby timetabled services.  We can't go on the trains (too many of us, not enough seats together on the trains, and not sure how we'd entertain three kids for several hours in Appleby with nowt open) but I at least wanted to get some shots.  After a week of awful weather, on a Friday morning I set off very early to get a nice spot on the outskirts of Skipton to see the train.

I thought I'd get some shots of the wildlife and scenery on the towpath whilst I walked down the Leeds-Liverpool Canal to get to the location.

Out early enough to see some animal life too.

I still had half an hour to kill, so ate my brekkie then went for an explore of the aqueduct.


The train rumbled past, and the lighting was perfect.  It would be less perfect for the return working half an hour later, shooting into the sun, so I headed back to the car.

Heading back.

More wildlife.

One thing I've noticed is that the lack of trains over previous months has bought out the photographers in droves for the few services actually running, so when I got to the planned spot, another chap had it staked out.  Fair enough, so I found another spot, on the bridge, just enough in sight to freak-out motorists who must have thought I was a copper with a speed gun rather than a railway nerd with a camera.  Probably shouldn't wear a yellow T-shirt next time.

Still, pretty pleased with how the shot turned out even if the light was the wrong side, and soooooo good to finally be back taking railway pics; genuinely hadn't realised how much of a stress-relieving activity it is for me until I couldn't do it any more.

Then it was straight home, pack the car, and off to Welshy Wales for a week...

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