Friday, 27 December 2024

Trains in the Snow; Worth Valley at Damems, one last time.

As well as the shots of the 101 DMU out in the snow on the Worth Valley, it was the first weekend of the "Elf Explorer" seasonal trains.

This would also be the last weekend of regular photography visits at this spot- we're moving, after 13 years, so no longer the massive train set at the bottom of the road...

37075, with the snow rapidly melting away...

...and the visiting Black 5 on the back. I just hoped the snow stayed around long enough to get it on the return.

And indeed, it just about was.  Feels a little melancholy after so many years, but at least it was a nice shot and unusual weather.

And home, to pack... It won't necessarily be the last time coming here to take pics, but it will have to be a properly planned excursion in the future rather than a casual, 'when I feel like it' shot.


Wednesday, 25 December 2024

Blue, White and Yellow

Well, the other week through up a surprise overnight snow storm, so I (Ben) thought I'd take the opportunity for some seasonal pics up on the Worth Valley before if melted away. Seemed appropriate to post them today, given it's both Christmas, and I've gotten a vintage Triang Met-Cam DMU set for Christmas.

As it happened, I needed some pics of the 101 DMU for an article I'm writing for Hornby, so it was a good opportunity to add to the archive, whilst getting some pics for the KWVR at the same time.

Whilst I loved the contrast of the unit in the monochromatic landscape, I thought I'd try some actual greyscale shots too.

A bit later in the morning. By this time, the snow was quickly being eroded away by the rain, and it was turning into a bit of a damp, miserable morning.

A last shot as most of the snow disappeared, a train in the landscape shot.

Monday, 23 December 2024

Snow on the Screen

Bit of a short post tonight- but I was quite taken with the snow on the windscreen of the car one morning in November.

A bit of creative lighting whilst the car was ticking over before work.





Friday, 20 December 2024

Fireworks on Anglesey.

And finally from our Half-Term getaway, some more long-exposure abstract shots, this time of the rather nice firework display taking place at Cemaes Bay, Angeley.

Always interesting to see the odd shapes that the fireworks form.

Strangely organic shape.


A Lunchtime stop at Llangollen Station

En-route from Rushbury to Anglesey, we nipped in to Llangollen Station for lunch.

It being an overcast, out-of-season day, the place was reasonably quiet.

The service was being operated by one of the DMU sets.

A pleasantly atmospheric scene, a nice lunch, and a reminder to come back and do the line properly again next year.


Monday, 16 December 2024


With the holiday in Shropshire drawing to a close, we nipped to the Coalbrookdale museum.

We didn't take many pics inside, though as usual there were some ideas for art and sculpture projects.

Of more interest to me (Ben) was getting some shots for a possible Hornby project.

Around the back of the site was this little collection of stored pieces, overgrown, so I thought I'd get some shots around the yard whilst The Childs were finishing their lunch.

I know this sort of shot is a bit of a cliché, but I rather liked the contrast between the greenery and the rusting metalwork.


Friday, 13 December 2024

Driving at Diesel at Oswestry

Having hit a ...significant milestone of a birthday... I (Ben) indulged in a lifelong dream of driving a locomotive. In this case, Class 73 "City of Winchester" on the Cambrian Heritage Railway at Oswestry.

A thoroughly enjoyable morning pottering up and down in this lovely old machine. With a day job that's all high-end electronics and touch-screens, it was great to spend a day playing with something so decidedly analogue.

I took the opportunity for a few detail shots in the engine bay.

Again, proper, lovely old technology.

A last portrait of the loco- though I'm very tempted to come back and have another go!  a big thanks to the railway and to the Vol, Phil, who did the instructing.