Saturday 8 December 2012


South Square Gallery

Just a quick post- two of my pics from my "Intercity" series are on display at the South Square Gallery, in Thornton, Bradford.
They're up as part of the "Dromology" show, which is a somewhat open brief, all about the logic of movement.  Quite the mix of work on display, mainly fine art installation pieces. 

Its a nice little gallery, charmingly rustic (given its conversion from an old building), and there's a couple of other decent shows on too at the moment.  Interestingly, my work has been mounted on Dibond, which is something I'd heard of but never used before- basically a sheet of aluminium.

Another image from the series.

Following the gallery opening, we went out for a curry as part of a scout leaders unofficial xmas do, and despite how nice it was seeing my work up in another gallery, probably the highlight of the evening was Amy and myself (and another leader) getting the Midnight Owl ice cream, which came in a cool moneybox/toy container ;)  We are mature photographers.  Honest.


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