Saturday, 7 September 2013

"Home is..." in the Glaslyn Pass at 6am

After a couple of days of bad weather, we finally managed to get a couple more shots for “Home is” done…  A couple of locations we’d planned on fell through for various reasons, then by chance we found another spot on the way back from the recce just outside Beddgelert- I love taking landscape and transport pics in the Glaslyn Pass, but we’d sort of written it off for this project because it was thought too difficult to get the furniture to a good spot.

   However, we found a layby, and though it was a fair bit of a walk (with a hill, an underbridge, an overbridge, a level crossing, and three kissing-gates to negotiate in each direction) we managed to get down onto a shingle beach only accessible when the river is quite low.

   Whilst we were shooting the pics, we’d noticed the mist thickening, and improvised with another quick shot on a footpath on the way back- one very polite, though obviously slightly bemused, dog walker but nobody else in sight. 

All in all, two nice shots, which was good given the weather had scuppered other shots.  With time in Wales running out, its probable we wont get any more shots in this area this year, so time to focus on doing some pictures back home in Yorkshire…

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