Thursday 31 October 2013

"Home is..." Yorkshire, and back in Wales briefly

So a little update on the "Home is..." project.  Its sort of on a little break at the moment, mainly because of the weather, and also work commitments.  Before the weather became too rough, we did a location recce on a spot back here in Yorkshire, and an abandoned railway viaduct which now carries a cycle path near Cullingworth.  Looking at Google earth (and driving past it most mornings) it seemed to have potential...

However, it was a bit uninspiring actually on the viaduct (the one we wanted to do, in Wales, has rather more dramatic scenery, low railings instead of walls, and also annoyingly a lot of anti-tresspass notices and CCTV cameras monitoring it).  We've decided not to bother with the viaduct here then.

Early October saw us back, briefly, in Wales, where we returned to a location we'd tried twice before in the summer.  Once scrubbed due to bad weather, and once due to a camper van full of people sleeping in the parking bit next to the lake.  Out of season though, and no such distractions, so we set up and shot the pictures.

Just as we were packing up we met a group of people who'd been camping up on the hills, and were a tad curious about what we'd been doing.  Being as they were about to go wild swimming in the lake, with the temperature pretty cold by all accounts, we reckoned they were the ones acting strangely, but hey-ho.

That shoot has marked the end of the "Home is..." shots for the time being, mainly because the rather full-on nature of the shoot over the summer has damaged the chair, which needs mending.  In fairness it is quite old, and its manufacturer probably didnt anticipate it being carried around the landscape quite so much.

Updates on some other shoots coming soon...

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