Thursday 31 July 2014

Welsh Wildlife

Late July saw us returning to one of our favourite haunts, Porthmadog in West Wales, and unusually for this spot, the weather was superb.  Taking advantage of this, we hit the beach the first couple of days we were there, and ended up doing some shoots.
In recent years we've taken to using a simple piece of kit, an underwater photography bag (basically a sealable vinyl case with a hard plastic cylinder to clear the lens) with a compact camera, to get some underwater pics.  On a sunny day, you get some nice shots in the seas around the Llyn peninsular.
There were a few jellyfish about whilst we were there, so I had a go at getting some pictures.  They've ended up a bit abstract, partly because we were using the older of our two cases, partly because the exposure time of the camera struggles a bit with moving targets.
A better shot finally, from above.
Keeping with the wildlife theme, the last day of our short break saw us in another favourite spot, Beddgelert, with a very obliging heron posing in the waters of the Glaslyn.
Down the path to the bridges, and a new angle on the footbridge which crosses alongside the Welsh Highland Railway.
Walking up the other side, there were plenty of Peacock butterflies in evidence, again, chance for some nice shots.


Favourite of the day though, whilst we were walking back, we spotted a lizard sunning itself on the side of the path; before I could get a camera on it, it fled; happy to have seen it, but a bit annoyed I'd missed photographing something quite rare.  Discussing that they were so rare we wouldn't see another one, we were about five minutes up the path when we spotted another one, which was obliging enough to wait around for us to photograph it.

So all in all a nice couple of days; we'll be returning to Wales soon, so hopefully the chance for a few more shoots.  Just hope the weather is as nice.  Finally, a view of the upper part of the Glaslyn pass.







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