Wednesday 10 September 2014

A trip to Beningbrough

For tonight's blog entry, a little look at a visit to Beningbrough, a National Trust property near York.  We ended up here on pretty much the day when the heatwave finally broke near the start of the summer holidays, and we needed somewhere to go that was out of the rain.  On arrival though, we ended up spending the afternoon in the gardens, making the most of a three-hour gap when the rain had stopped.  Funnily enough, it wasn't until we were going back through six-weeks worth of photos from the summer that we realised just how much of the time was spent under grey skies, or with visits to locations that offered shelter from the weather...  In comparison to last year, and all those shoots for the "Home is..." project, the weather seems to have been a lot less suited to photography this summer.
I will say though that Beningbrough has fantastic gardens, and though we couldn't do much in the way of photography with three kids in tow, we still managed a few shots, mainly around the flowerbeds which provided some much needed colour on an otherwise grey and manky day.  Definitely another location to return to in the future...

My undoubted favourite shot of the day, and a chance encounter at that, during the thirty seconds it was landed right in front of us...  Never realised just how colourful the eyes on a dragonfly are. 
Right, more from Wales in the next post, or maybe a bit more on the exhibition...

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