Tuesday 21 October 2014

Home Was... in Sheffield

Just a quick post to say that yesterday, the "Home is..." show came down.  It was a good experience for us, not just having an exhibition after a few years of only contributing to group events  or open calls, but also in having a big project to focus on again, with a deadline.
With the props and set back home, and a nice body of work built up to form the bulk of the series, we will be shortly commencing with Phase Two, with some more complex location shoots whilst Ben has some extra time-off over the winter.  A lot of the ideas and locations we scouted were unsuitable within the limited timescale before the exhibition, but we have the chance now, and the enthusiasm to keep shooting pics.
A big thanks then to Karen, Graham, and everyone else at Cupola Contemporary Art in Sheffield for giving us the chance to develop "Home is..." from the initial concept art, and to exhibit the resulting project.  And thanks of course for everyone else who assisted with Phase One, for modelling, for lending us props, for helping us on location, and for letting us use their country homes, railway stations, etc, for our shoots.

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