Thursday 2 July 2015

June at Hirst Wood

June saw a couple of after-school trips with the Childs to Hirst Wood, both times in glorious weather, and therefore the chance for a few quick photos.  Probably ought to start exploring some new areas soon, as this is another regular haunt...
Visit one coincided nicely with the bluebells being out, and Hirst Wood is always a nice spot for them.

Visit two started with some 'traditional' shots...

... but then went back to abstacts.  I started with these sorts of photos at Hirst Wood years ago, and occasionaly do a few more; they tend to sell, the sorts of abstracts which people apparently want to hang on their walls.

Was particularly struck by just how lush and green the leaves were in the odd, bright light.

The above was my favourite shot of the day, has a nicely dramatic sort of atmosphere about it.



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