Just a little update tonight, two lots of what were effectively recce pics for possible future shoots. They were also shot using the Underwater compact camera; it doesn't cope terribly well with non-watery shots, but then when your three-year-old has stood on your 'actual compact camera and shattered the screen, beggars cannot be choosers.
First one was a National Trust property, Coughton Court, near Redditch. I (Ben) had visited this when I used to live for a bit in Gloucestershire, but then when you're little, one NT property pretty much blends into another. The weather was pretty poor, but we snapped some images with thoughts that we might come back with a proper camera.
Couldn't resist a shot of the fake owl either.
The other few snaps were taken about a week ago, also using the underwater compact as it was all we had with us, also in rubbish weather, but this time trying to play to its strength a bit more as an underwater camera. The location was somewhere which surprisingly we'd not been to before, the woods next to Skipton Castle, and we'll probably be returning here again with proper cameras soon.
Not that it worked though, using underwater pics, as the water itself was carrying a lot of sediment.
One idea to try again though, underwater within a duck pond, even if the lighting somewhat outfoxed the camera on this occasion...
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