Saturday 4 February 2017

Odds and Ends

A bit of a miscellany tonight, a few odds and ends from the start of the year, pics that don't really need a separate, complete post... starting with the above, the sunset and a flock of birds over Poppleton, in York, on the 2nd of Jan.

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It was time for the traditional "Under The Bed" sale at Cupola Contemporary Art in Sheffield, and we entered a load of older work.  A big chunk of which involved re-mounting some of our big prints from previous shoots. 

We have a couple of older Ikea frames from the first run of the Britannia Model Village back in 2009, and frankly the frames are a bit hit and miss; larger than the current version, and thus the only way to accommodate the bigger prints acquired back then, but the quality of build is terrible (they're not wood, just powdered molded sawdust under a veneer)

A whole evening was spent sorting out three frames, to get the best two frames, fronts, and mounts.

An early arrival in Sheffield (far too early) which because it was an inset day meant a car full of family as well as art...

Pleasing to see only a few of the ex-Wonderland show Rocking Horse Fly pieces still in the gallery.  Hopefully shortly we'll be getting into batch production of this stuff rather than just prototypes.

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No decently photogenic snow so far this winter, but a dusting one night, and a play about with the settings on the camera to try and take something very abstract, like a starscape...

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A mornings walk up and down the Worth Valley resulted in a few snaps.

Reflections in the beck near Haworth, though the lighting was a bit odd.

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Finally, and back in time to the start of the month, a visit out to a Garden Centre in Worcestershire.  Not really a shoot, just snapped a few pics whilst buying some odds and ends for a project.

Ending where the post began, with a sunset.

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