Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Easter, two trips to Barmouth

Starting the 'general' (or at least, non-project) backlog of pics from Easter, two days at Barmouth, West Wales.  Easter is never that good a time to hit the beach, at least if you want to go in the sea, but we went anyway.  No real message or anything with these pics, just some landscape shots...

First, the token Railway Photography, even if the subject matter is a little dull (Arriva class 158's, bog-standard units which monopolise services up here) and the weather naff.

Even lens filters couldn't really save the above pic...

The rest of the day didn't involve much photography come the finish, though there were some chances for shots when the low cloud eddied around the hills...

The return a week later was rather better, sun and sky-wise, but what the above pic doesn't really show is the gale force winds which periodically blew sandstorms around the beach...

Still, good kite-flying weather.

A hint of the sand problem, as our little encampment was progressively buried.

We did however discover the remains of the sandcastle The Childs built the previous week though...

So, two days, two wildly different sets of weather, and a few opportunities for landscape photography...

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