Sunday 28 August 2022

Communications Update; we're now on Instagram!

Just a really quick blog post tonight; for the last decade or so, we've had a Facebook page for our art and photography, but increasingly we've been finding FB a bit clunky, and the algorithm doesn't do us any favours, burying our posts underneath layers of ads, links to TikTok vids, and other randomness.  Anyway, we're gradually winding-down the Facebook page, and instead, we've jumped on the Insta bandwagon:

Don't expect pictures of us trout-pouting in front of ring-lights and the like, but we intend to start mentioning blog posts through there, as well as behind-the-scenes shots of the various projects, publications, and so on that we're undertaking.  Thanks for looking, and hopefully we'll be rapidly increasing the content on there shortly!


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