Monday 5 February 2024

New Years Day on the Worth Valley Railway

New Years Day, and a trip back out to the KWVR to indulge in the last day of their Mince Pie Specials.

Black 5 no.45212 was on the steam diagram, and this always-impressive locomotive was doing a fine turn.

The day also marked the last trains in and out of Keighley Station for a while, as a long-needed rebuild is underway this Spring.

I (Ben) thought I'd get a few pics around the station, before the station was closed for a few months.

After a few trips up and down the line, we used our Rover tickets for a trip to the excellent museums at Ingrow, and I got a few detail shots around the museums for future projects.

Whilst some of the family headed back to the house, I (and my parents, up visiting for New Years) took a ride on the diesel railbus.

Last shot of the day, the railbus about to leave Ingrow for a last trip down to Keighley.


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