Friday 28 June 2024

As mentioned last month, with the post done with the miniatures shoot for Gerry Anderson Day, I (Ben) had intended on doing all the shoots outdoors, but the weather intervened.  However, whilst out very early one morning for a location shoot, I took the opportunity to finally try the pics I'd wanted.

Early shots weren't promising, as the lighting was a bit odd.

Trying to incorporate some real vapour trails high overhead.

Switching to a different angle, I couldn't quite make the shots with the ocean work... least, until I waded out into the sea.  A use of a slightly fisheye-lens effect, and a shallow bay, helped give the effect I was after.

Overall I'm happy with these, considering it was a quick experiment; just a shame I couldn't shoot these pics at the time, but it's given me some hints for future shoots to do.


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