Saturday, 12 September 2015

Mission Dalek; Special Effects

A quick post on effects... Incorporating oddness, and deliberately unusual issues, I thought I'd use this as a test bed for some techniques I'd been wanting to try for a while.  The above, with the fighter jet, incorporated the camera rig from an earlier experimental project designed to have the camera moving at the same pace as the model.
On a similar note, I decided to try a 'tracking shot' of sort, also reusing a camera rig from a previous project, the one mounted on 0 gauge railway tracks and tracking a battery-operated toy tank up the sand.
I wanted to try some actual pyro effects, as I thought that in long-exposure it would also give a pleasingly odd effect.  Trying out a technique from Scouts, I made some firelighters using petroleum jelly and cotton wool...
Wooooomph, as they say, and fire which burns nicely for a while, long enough to shoot.

I also decided to try using LED lights for flashes- see above.
And above again, backlit cotton wool.  Also, real nerd points here, notice the presence of the Alvis Stalwart (or 'Stolly') vehicle, a 1960's British Army vehicle which looked oddly futuristic for the 60's, and which often crops up in Scifi films when a director needs a vaguely futuristic-looking military vehicle on a low budget (see 'Firefly', 'Children of Men', 'Reign of Fire')


Further tests with Christmas tree lights for 'laser' effects.
Whilst the home-made firelighters were good for a slow-burn, I also wanted a try with something more dramatic, and so poured half a bottle of nail polish remover onto some cotton wool...

Say fare-thee-well-to-thy-eyebrows.  In best Gerry Anderson tradition, one model which took ages to build reduced to scrap in moments; even I was slightly surprised by the ferocity of the fire.  Looked good though.
The homemade firelighters were rather kinder to the models, burning slower...


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