Sunday 9 April 2017

KWVR Spring Steam Gala...Part Three

Final part of the Worth Valley Gala photos, and Sunday morning provided a chance to get the early morning goods train with the visiting Black 5 running.

The photo was taken up in the woods between Damems and Ingrow...

...with a better angle than usual, gained by standing in the river in my wellies.

On the way back, the Coal Tank and the 'Crab' heading towards Keighley on the vintage stock.

This was the last chance to get a night shot for the foreseeable, and I wanted to get out and photograph a night service with the WD out near Haworth.  Leaving about fifteen minutes before it was due, I was a little annoyed to see it roaring past up the valley before I could get to the location, so I raced up to between Haworth and Oxenhope then just got this not very good shot.

I realised though that this was an earlier double-header running late, and not the train I was after at all.  So I was able to get back to the intended location, and with the bonus that the light would have faded even more when I got there.

The shot was taken from the nature reserve at Ebor Lane, in the rain, waiting for the train.

Having sat in the dark in the rain for a bit, wondering again what the normal people were doing at that time of night, the WD turned up, going hell for leather.

Slightly weird effect with zooming out

But a nicely dramatic shot to finish with, and to cap off the weekend.  I had considered going up to Oxenhope to get some more 'traditional' night shots, but in the end changed my mind because of how drenched I was getting.  Probably for the best, as looking at FB afterwards showed that the veteran photographers on the Worth Valley had the stations pretty heavily staked out anyway, so I doubt I'd have been welcome. 

So apart from the awful weather on the Friday, a pretty good weekend with a day riding the trains and a couple of decent spells lineside. 

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