Friday 7 April 2017

SCIIIENNNCE!!! ...and close-up geological photography.

Today on Ribbon Art and Photography... we have:

SCIIIENNNCE!!! indeed.  Well, of a sort.

It has to be science, there's an enormous and very complex microscope.  But the above behind-the-scenes pic is a little dull, so let's go for some more dramatic angles!


Rock samples in a tray!

And more dramatic lighting!

Two computers running simultaneously?  That MUST be science!

Gratuitous close-up on a keyboard!

OK, enough facetiousness then.  You might be able to tell I (Ben) am typing this up whilst slightly sleep-deprived.  I digress.  When we were back in the West Midlands, whilst I was messing around doing pictures with miniatures on the sides of canals and derelict factories, and wrecking the car out on location shoots, Amy was rather more sensibly undertaking some close-up shots of mineral samples for one of her projects, indoors within twelve feet of the teapot.

With the aid of my Dad's significant collection of geological samples and his microscope, and some laptop computers with focal-stacking software, Amy spent an evening shooting some nice abstract photographs.  On average taking about 20 pics at a time, the images were stacked and the lighting and contrast balanced for each shot.  A small selection is shown below:

This is very much an exploratory and experimental body of work for Amy, and the final fine-art piece these images are destined for will be revealed soon...

(And yes, the cartoon picture at the top is an approximation of how we look, in comic form.  This will be the only time the comics appear on the blog probably, but the soon-to-be-relaunched sculpture/model making blog will have a lot more comic content coming soon.)

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