Monday 18 March 2019

More published Worth Valley Pics

Just a short post tonight, with some more published railway pics, this time in the Keighley and Worth Valley Railway members' mag.

The visiting Black 5, 45212, was unusually running smokebox-first to Keighley, opening up some of my photography locations which only really work for diesels (every steam loco is tender/bunker first at this spot).  Shame the sun wasn't in the right place, but given this first weekend (of the 4/5 it was running the weekend trains) was about the only time it wasn't raining, I'm relatively happy with it.

Going back a bit, we'd paid a visit to the line whilst they were running their Santa Specials (we travelled on the public DMU service), and got caught out on a very cold day when the rain hit and created lethal black ice everywhere; great fun when you come out of a pub half-way up a steep hill and have to slide down to the station...

I've managed to get shots in the last few issues of Push and Pull, and there's a possibility I'll be getting an actual article or two in issues later this year... more on that when or if it happens, fingers crossed...

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