Tuesday 16 April 2019


Another month, another open call for an exhibition.  This one is around the them of industry, and Amy decided to return to something she last did back in University, freezing objects, back-lighting, and photographing the silhouettes.

A hunt through the workshop produced some suitable random bits (mainly bike gear parts) for a trial picture, which seemed to be successful, though the light-box she used wasn't quite as bright as she wanted.

A hasty search on Amazon resulted in a much better light box- technology has moved on somewhat in the last few years, this one is about 5mil thick.  Combined with a box lid to protect it from the melting ice, it did the trick.

A wider selection of parts were gathered from all over the place, to give a bit more variety than just cogs and gear parts.

Overall the pictures came out as hoped- now just to see if the images are selected for the open call...

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