Thursday 22 July 2021

Bodnant Garden, June 2021

As the heatwave continues to torch the UK to a crisp, here's something from a few weeks in nice, but cooler, weather, a trip to Bodnant Gardens in Wales.  One of our regular haunts in these pandemic times, as it's a large enough space to spread-out (and with the pre-booking it isn't heavingly busy), and it's just generally very pretty and relaxing.

We tried a path this time that we don't usually go along, and it opened up some nice views of the house.

Back down to the bottom of the valley.

We (accidentally, but happily) managed to time our visit for the flowering of the famous laburnum arch.

Using the phone cameras to try for some more unusual angles... well as the SLR.

So another nice visit, the fourth or fifth since the Pandemic started.  There's just something calming about this place, and we'll undoubtedly be making another visit this summer, local-lockdowns permitting.


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