Thursday 31 December 2015



Towards the tail end of the year, we had the chance for a bit of a galleries-heavy trip to Liverpool, mainly a family day out with a chance to meet an old friend from College.  So just a few snaps really.
We rather like Liverpool, though it hasn't half changed in recent years.  Its all very smart now, which is nice to see, and the area around the Albert Dock is very pretty, even if a bit of the old industrial bustle would be nice.  This ship in the dry-dock, in dazzle-pattern camouflage, was eye-catching on a dull and overcast day.
The Museum of Liverpool provided lots of inspiration for model making, and more pics will be appearing on t'other blog.  In the meantime, the Token Railway Photograph of the surviving carriage from the Liverpool Overhead Railway which is on display.  All in all, a very nice museum with some very interesting exhibits.
We then moved onto the maritime museum which is always good, but a little depressing (as it mainly seems to contain models and artefacts of vessels which have sunk with immense loss of life), then onto the Tate.  The above grimy shot of the air vents was the only picture taken here, which is not a slur on the quality of the gallery, more that we were having more fun looking at the art.

Then it was onto the Bluecoat, where our friends' boyfriend works, so we spent a bit of time there.  A lovely gallery with some interesting work, and a nice community focus.  If only Bradford had something similar.

A brief trip to the main gallery near Lime Street Station, but by then places were starting to close, so we'll be making a return visit in the spring.

Back to the docks after a lovely day out, with more galleries and museums visited in one day than we manage most of the year.

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