Saturday 21 May 2016

Project Alice: Models on show

Just a quick post today.  As part of Project:Alice, and specifically the building of the Jabberwock, an awful lot of concept art and models were built along the way to try and determine the final 'look' of the Jabberwock design.

As part of the Lakes Collective activities at Rydal Hall, there's an exhibition on (starting on Monday the 23rd May) and I was invited to show some of the behind-the-scenes aspect of producing the work.  Normally with these projects the concept art only ever stays in sketchbooks, and the models get stored or cannibalised for other shoots, so it's nice to have a chance to show them for a bit.

The set of shelves are from work; rescued from a skip in flat-packed form (shelves home made by one of my predecessors) they are destined for our shipping container behind the workshop, but for this week they're doing sterling service for this show.  I built them up again at home in order to see how easy they were to dismantle, move, and rebuild.  Only a small selection of the models and some scans of the sketches will be shown, as I need the sketchbooks for a freelance-application.

After driving through some incredibly foul weather, along roads clogged with caravans, we arrived at a surprisingly sunny Rydal Hall.

Now the problem is that the show isn't until Monday, and I don't think work will be terribly happy with me skiving off to put the show up, but happily our friend Clare, of the Lakes Collective, is putting the work up for me on Monday.

And so a few minutes with a powered screwdriver and the shelves, display boards, and models are happily cluttering up somebody else's workshop.

After a little walk around Rydal to see what condition the sculpture pieces were in -pretty good given the wildly varying weather- we headed into Ambleside itself.

Got a bit distracted by this lovely slate stairwell, with its encroaching undergrowth.

Ambleside was as nice as ever, and from the tastefully-stocked Oxfam shop I acquired two very nice books on design for the growing library.

Final stop and back to Clare's house, with a new entry on the Picture Wall in the basement...

The bit of the show with the models will run from 23rd May up to the end of the bank hol weekend, the Alice show continues until the end of June.

Next update, a post about the Jabberwock sculpture...

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