Sunday 29 May 2016

Project Alice: One Last Time in Rydal...

So for the Bank Holiday it was one last go to Rydal Hall, partly to see the rest of the work by the artists from the Lakes Collective (as we'd been so busy installing our own sculptures we didn't have time to properly look around), partly to see how the work was faring, mainly to allow the wider family to see the works.

Of course, we'd forgotten that the Am-Drams were taking over the gardens for their interactive Alice in Wonderland performances, but having driven en-masse all the way from West Yorkshire with two family members who'd driven from the Midlands, and with no time to do the proper tour with the minimum time we'd had change for the parking for, we decided not to take no for an answer.  And so we talked our way past the sexy pink female Cheshire Cat who was rolling voluptuously round the formal gardens (no, really, it was that sort of day...) and did a whistle-stop tour of Wonderland. 

So rushed was the grand tour that I didn't get time to get details of who had done what, so just revel in the work.

Love these in particular, very nicely done.

This is probably my favourite piece, the craftsmanship was very impressive.

So that's the outside pieces- apologies for not getting details and probably missing a few pieces of work, sufficed to say that the quality of work done by the Lakes Collective was excellent and a nice show was produced.

Back indoors, in the Bishop Bully Barn (interesting name, or possibly a job description?) where more artists were showing work of a craft/fine art nature.

Trying for some arty reflection-shots in some lovely mirrors.

Nice wooden pieces- love that chess board.

As mentioned previously, a selection of the exhaustive prep-work for Jabberwock was on show in there, arranged very tastefully by Clare and friends.

A quick trip back outside and a couple of shots of the river- mainly to see how the new camera was coping.  Yes, new camera- after much saving, we've finally upgraded a bit.

And finally a shot of the Jabberwock, again, with one of the nice tiles which someone has produced with quotes from the books, an excellent finishing touch that I wish I'd thought of.

So there we have it- the next trip to Rydal will be to collect work back, but whilst a home can be found for most of it, no idea where the Jabberwock will be going...

...that's a problem for Future Ben and Amy :)

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