Tuesday 17 May 2016

Project Alice: Nothing but a pack of cards...

“Off with her head!” the Queen shouted at the top of her voice.  Nobody moved.
“Who cares for you?” said Alice (she had grown to her full size by this time).  “You’re nothing but a pack of cards!”
   At this the whole pack rose up into the air, and came flying down upon her...

The main piece of work which Amy produced was the arch of cards inspired by the quote above.  After some thought, Amy decided to go with a technique which allowed her to use her interest in textiles.  A large sheet of material was purchased, along with some fabric paints.  The idea was that the cards, about three times life-size, would be painted onto the material, in two halves which would then be sewn around a piece of plastic (in this case the sort used back in the day for overhead projectors).  This would give them strength, and in theory the paint would be waterproof.

The location was planned to be near the lake-facing entrance to the formal garden, making the most of the presence of a large hedge (with wiring inside as part of the topiary, to which the sculpture could be attached).

The symbols were hand-drawn and then painted, somewhat laboriously, over the winter.

Getting the effect of the cards fountaining up and over the path caused a bit of consternation, until we were able to acquire a cheap but good quality self-assembly arch for gardens.

For an extra touch, some fake roses (fitting with the story) were bought online- very reasonably priced.

Installing was fairly easy- Amy had pre-assembled it as much as possible before loading the car, and it was very firmly wired into place, so hopefully the weather won't affect it too much.

Overall, very happy with how it turned out, and pretty much matched the plans.  Next time, either the Rocking Horse Fly pieces, or the Jabberwock...

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