Friday 18 August 2017

A week with Number 85

With the Worth Valley running mid-week Steam services every day now, and me (Ben) working from home at the moment, there are plenty of opportunities for a bit of daytime train photography when I'm on a break.  This post features shots taken over a week, with the locomotive in use being the ex-Taff Vale Railways veteran, number 85.

On the way back from town one morning a sudden rain shower had me having to shelter under some trees, and frankly in the right place at the right time when the train came past at Damems...

...which also put me in a good spot for the return service half an hour later.

One benefit of the service running is that (with a local persons railcard) it can be used in place of the bus if I'm feeling lazy, so on the trek out to Frizinghall to see our work in the Bradford Open at Cartwright Hall.

Towards the end of the week I went back out again, this time in wellies and taking advantage of the low river level in the heatwave, to try some new angles from actually inside the river.

Not too bad, but not too different to the shots from the riverbank.  Also the lighting didn't help for this shot, but then it was an experimental angle.

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