Tuesday 3 October 2017

So... where were we?

Well that was an unexpected delay...  We habitually take a bit of a break from posting over the summer anyway, as we prioritise family life for a bit and tend to be staying in place where internet signal dares not tread, but even by our usual standards this has been a big gap in new posts.

A summer spent alternately in Wales, France, and the Midlands left us with a stack of pics to edit, then along came a couple of health scares, some family drama, and (rather more happily) some proper artwork and a couple of speculative commissions.  So basically, posts on what we have been up to, and what we're doing now, will start appearing soon.

In related news, Ben's Model Making blog will also be about to restart, recapping some older builds from the time of the Jabberwock project.  Basically, we're back in business...

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