Sunday 29 October 2017

Underwater 2017

More experimentation with my (Amy's) underwater series.  As a birthday present, I got a new Underwater Compact, so I returned to some old locations to try it out.

The Glaslyn was running nice and clear up at Beddgelert.

For some reason, further along the gorge, the water had a slightly strange colour tint going on.

Oddly the camera was coping less well at the coast at Criccieth, possibly because of the unobstructed landscape meaning too much light was hitting the camera.  Some playing with the settings sorted it out though, but it took some experimenting.

The sea however was rather grotty; a combination of rough on-shore weather, and a lot of debris on the beach, meant it was cloudy.  Also, there was a lot of litter floating around, and it couldn't be a coincidence that it was a bank holiday weekend...

It seemed to cope well with wave shots, though with only two focal settings and a myriad of exposure options it took some time to get what I wanted with it.  But it looks like it will come in useful for a 'proper' project next spring.

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