Monday 23 July 2018

Observe to Preserve... Leeds-Liverpool

As mentioned in the last post, I wanted to get some shots somewhere a bit more industrial, and remembered there was a location I looked at last year (during the first round of the project )on the Leeds-Liverpool canal near Shipley that would fit the bill.

The massive Esholt sewerage works used to have an equally massive internal railway/road network, the remains of which are still scattered around the fringes of the site despite the modernisation of most of it.  This bridge over the Leeds-Liverpool once carried the railway and a road over the canal to some facilities on the far bank, but is now abandoned (and not really fenced off either, just blocked to vehicle traffic).

OK so the structure massively dominates the models, but shot from close-up it is nicely abstract, just some massive rusty industrial structure.

The concrete parapets also provided a possible location for some pics, this time with the Mobile Studio.

Climbing back down to the tow-path, I spotted this interesting patch of moss (I know, I'm odd like that), and even though the tree might be madly out of scale, the rest fit in with the idea of an overgrown, post-apocalyptic world.

I went for some different angles this time- the figure cannot be re-posed as it's glued together and not even slightly articulated, but I thought trying some angles to make it look like the Artist had spotted the lurking photographer might be work trying.

With those shots done, and the temperature getting a bit too high for standing around setting up intricate scenarios for models, I thought I'd snap a few more pics of the surroundings on the way to the station for the jaunt home, which were suitably post-apocalyptic with the benefit of there having been no apocalypse.  This unusual metal telegraph pole for example...

And the improvised lock-keepers accommodation near the girder bridge...

...and the battered fence alongside the trackbed of the old works railway; and that in fact gave an idea for a future shoot, reviving one of the other concepts from the original Artist Health and Safety shoot, the Railway Field Studios... some more model making might be in order there by the look of it.

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