Saturday 21 July 2018

Observe to Preserve... Wales, 2018, Part Two

With the first set of seaside pictures shot in the afternoon (see previous post), a nice sunset prompted me to hike up the hill to another regular haunt for photographic projects after tea.  Unfortunately, the fore-mentioned problems with my chest meant that by the time I'd wheezed my way up the hill, and collapsed long enough to allow my heartrate to return to less worrying levels, the sun had dipped below the hills (and the previously nicely-lit Cnicht there on the horizon was now just looking a bit dull).

Still, being as I was up there now, I thought I'd get on with it.  This rock had been used last year for a night shoot with a different model building, so I thought I'd use it again.

I think this is my favourite shot- the accidental focusing on the grass in the foreground makes it look a bit more realistic.

A few days later saw us up at Llanberis for a walk near the lake, and the miniature artist figure was small enough to fit in a pocket of the camera bag.  Therefore I took the opportunity to snap a few shots on the walk up from the lake to the preserved Quarry Hospital.

The only portrait shot of the whole series (so cannot be used as it clashes with everything else being landscape) but I thought I'd try and make the most of the cleft in the slate wall.

Quite happy with these shots, though shame the sky was a bit dull.  The moss isn't too badly overscale either, so I might try this sort of angle again using a wall.

The final shots for the project from Wales again took advantage of having the easily portable figure, whilst down by the river at Pont Croeser for some railway photography.

This time around at least there was a bit of a blue sky, which was nice...

So that was the last of the (planned) shots from Wales, making the most of the pretty, rural surroundings.  I still wanted to get a shot or two on the beach however, and towards the end of the holiday I got a last chance for some more pics, of which more in another post...

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