Monday 18 March 2024

Beach Litter; open-call exhibition, Ashford

Another exhibition on at the moment, where Amy is showing some of her work from an ongoing project documenting litter on British beaches.

One of our regular haunts in Wales is Criccieth, where the beach tends to attract litter.  There's a dedicated effort to clear it, but the combination of on-shore currents, and littering tourists in the summer, means it ends up with a fair bit of waste.  Last summer, we took a walk to get some pics (whilst clearing what we safely could... we were a bit more prepared when we did Scarborough a few months back, taking gloves and some proper waste bags).

It's a big project which Amy is dipping in and out of, whenever we're somewhere suitable...

...and through the excellent Curatorspace website, she spotted an open call for a group show, which it would be suitable to show with.

An interesting feature was that the show featured work exhibited using old CD cases (a good way of re-using another source of plastic waste).

Pictures from their insta feed; being based in West Yorkshire, a trip to Ashford to see the show wasn't going to be on the cards sadly, but Amy is very grateful to have been included.

Details of the show:

Always nice to be in an exhibition; Amy has some more work on display imminently with our friends at Cupola Contemporary Art in Sheffield, hopefully more on that in a future post.


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