Friday 22 March 2024

York Station by night.

Having been to the Aesthetica Art Prize open evening in York, we were off for the train back to Poppleton (park and ride from the station, considerably cheaper than the parking in the city centre, without having to worry about the stupidly early times the 'official' park and ride stops running.

There's something really nice about a station in the dark, especially once rush hour has been done with.  I (Ben) used to travel a lot in the evening for the cheap fares, and would often try and arrive an hour or so in advance of my train at Carlisle, just to take in the atmosphere.

Nothing too interesting, trains-wise, just units.

Quite liked the colours and yellow lights around the station.

Thought we'd do some monochrome shots too.

An hour or so of pottering around, and it was time for the train home.

A quite nice evening, spoiled only by the fact that -without us noticing- Poppleton car park had gone pay and display (app only, of course) and we were fined from within ten minutes of parking, having missed the sign angled away from the car park, but hey-ho.  Don't want to encourage people to use the train to travel to York, better to rely on the buses (which stop running by 8pm).  Better just stick to the car then...  Quite ironic, being a railway enthusiast who finds the actual act of travelling by train to be a pain in the posterior.


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