Sunday 10 March 2024

Valentines on the Worth Valley Railway

After another little break from blogging cause by being busy with life and the day jobs, we get back into the swing of things with a post tonight from back in Febuary.  And yes, it's railway-related, as Amy's shot from the monday of Half-Term week so aptly demonstrates.

Valentines Day saw the pair of us out on the Worth Valley Railway, we're we'd booked on for an afternoon cream tea in the dining carriage.  Well, we both like trains, and we both like tea, so it seemed ideal.

With Keighley Station out of action whilst it's rebuilt, the trains were terminating at Ingrow, so plenty of time to get aboard and find a seat.  We'd gotten day rover tickets, so planned a few runs up and down the valley before our meal.

Lovely quiet carriage when we arrived, 30 mins before departure.

Steam-heating going well.

D0226 "Vulcan" at one end, 41241 on the other (though due to the various building works going on, and with us riding the train, there wasn't much opportunity to actually photograph the steam loco).

I (Ben) needed to get some detail shots for a Hornby project that's coming up later in the year.

And that was about it, photography wise, as we settled back for a nice day just riding the trains.

Oh, and eating heroic amounts of cake and sandwiches :)


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