Wednesday 7 December 2022

Bradford Industrial Museum, October 2022

A Saturday in November saw us at the Bradford Industrial Museum with a couple of hours to kill whilst waiting for The Childs, so apart from just enjoying a walk around the place, I (Ben) decided to see how the new phone camera would cope with the place.

The museum was surprisingly busy for an Autumn Saturday, and they fired up the machines.

One advantage of the phone was that it could get in nice and close to the machines for some fairly abstract shots.  It should be pointed out, I wasn't daft enough to do this with any of the running gear.

I was able to reach the camera into places the SLR couldn't manage; I'd tried this with a previous visit here years ago, but thought I'd have another go.

I like the odd patches of colour amongst the metal tones.

And that was that; it's good the museum has been able to keep going in these times of funding cut-backs, and it still manages to provide some interesting angles and locations for photography.  We'll have to see if there are any special events on next year, and make a return visit.


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