Thursday 22 December 2022

December in Blackpool... by night

Having had an evening at Cleveleys, we nipped to Bispham, and caught a tram down to the Promenade.  The point of the exercise was mainly to have a nice stroll around the illuminations with The Childs, but I (Amy) wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to add a few more shots to my collection for 'Light Trails', particularly as there were a few extra light-up attractions for Christmas.

One of the eye-catchers was this fairground ride, right by the tower.

Middle Child was desperate to go on it.  The rest of us... less so.

The illuminated trams were back out again, and proving popular.

As opposed to our October visit, where Ben and I had walked about 8 miles up and down the prom, we were taking it easy what with The Childs and the In-Laws being with us, so we only walked from Tower down to the pier.

They'd changed the patterns of lights on the wheel compared to our last visit, and I always make an effort to get some shots of this feature.

Something more experimental, trying something a bit more soft-focus.

Back up to the Tower.

It was definitely worth the return visits this year- I love taking pics at Blackpool, and with my new SLR to try out, I'd been itching to get there.  Having twice had 'Light Trails' exhibited in 2022, I wanted to add some new pics to the set, and these two trips enabled me to do just that.


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