Friday 16 December 2022

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree...

After the brief foray back to the summer with the last blog, lets have something altogether more festive, and a craft project for our Scouting group.

We wanted to have a nice, festive sort of a build for them to do in the run-up to Christmas, and decided an ornament they could make as a present or decoration would do the trick.  We had a quantity of scrap acrylic in suitable shades, and a load of offcut shapes from the laser cutter at Amy's work which would do as baubles too, so I (Ben) set to work designing something for producing on our cutter.

First stage, a somewhat basic line drawing.

Then rendered in RDX; I decided to remove the etched detail, to speed up the cutting process (we'd need 30 trees).

The first prototype (in somewhat garish yellow, to save the stocks of green and red).

I'd decided that it needed something around the bottom of the tree, so modified the base to take...

...a selection of presents.  The idea being the Scouts (and Squirrels, Beavers, and Cubs) could chose a few apiece.

Second prototype.

Mass production underway.

I raided the scraps drawers, to produce the presents in a variety of colours.

We glued the basic trees together to speed things up a bit on the night; the younger members of the group were then given a large mix of stickers and bits to decorate them with.

The older Scouts would be allowed to use the glue for the plastics.

Two examples of the finished trees.  They went down well with the Scouts, and we're pleased with the design.  Maybe some refinements for next year.

On the subject of Christmas trees, here's some slightly abstract studies from when we dressed our own tree last weekend.

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